Pendant Light Hanging within a shade.

Most shade ring holes are 27mm or 40mm in diameter. You use lamholders for lampshades if this is the case. See this post.

Sometimes the hole is much smaller. If this hole is at least 10mm in diameter you can use the following guide.

Use an extention rod and a cylindrical cable clamp on either side of the hole. If the hole is bigger than 10mm use a washer.

The length of the extension rod determines where the lampholder sits. Our components work together with 10mm allthread.

If you would like the lampholder to hang on cable do not use an extention rod and instead use two cylindrical washers joined together.

Our cable comfortably will hold a shade weight of 1.7kg and perhaps up to 3kg. This is at the discretion of your installer. Please consult with them first.

Looping cable on light weight shades is an option.

Wrapping cable and knotting in the centre for light weight shades like crab pots.

Use the small hole in a shade to secure the cable in the centre.

Use extention rods to secure the pendant.

Use two washers with a cable clamp to secure over different sized shade ring holes.

Use washers to fill abnormally sized shade holes.

Posted on 2021-12-20 FAQ
